Heart warming story which shows one is never too old to study!
A Kintore man has taken a long road to academic success following his graduation from the North East Scotland College in Mechanical Engineering.
Robbie Lawrence (31) finally graduated at the North East Scotland College.
His long route to graduation has taken in a diagnosis of severe dyslexia, several jobs in various industries, a year on the other side of the world, and a life changing decision to apply to college aged 27.
Despite all of Robbie’s life experience, he says that it was the decision to return to education that has “opened up the world” to him. “College helped me to no end,” he said. “It helped me develop massively not only in my skills and knowledge, but in confidence.
After working several other jobs, Robbie gained employment as a baggage handler at Aberdeen Airport. This gave him a taste for travel and soon he was living in New Zealand. “I finally realized that if I wanted to progress to the next level I would need some further qualifications, so three years ago – aged 27 – I went up to the College and spoke at length with an adviser, then returned home with an application form for an NC in Mechanical Engineering.
It was never going to be easy. I was a mature student with severe dyslexia, no income and a mortgage to pay. However, I persevered. I struggled with the report writing and drove my mother round the bend with my continual requests to proof read my work, but over the last three years I feel I have achieved so much academically, and my self confidence and belief in myself have grown.”
Read more at Robbie took a long road to graduation