Category: Reviews

UK new car sales hit 2m mark

Britons have bought more than 2m new cars so far this year, following an unexpectedly sharp jump in sales in October. A total of 2.14m new cars have been registered in 2014 so far, the first time the two million mark has been passed in the month of October since 2007, before the financial crisis…

BDS students take White House

Wow wonderful story – the students must have had such a great time! Pity I never got the experience that: Last month, several Baltimore Design School students had the opportunity of a lifetime to further their education at the White House, where they met some of the biggest names in the fashion world, as well as the…

Big plans for Seaview Marina

Work on adding 56 berths to Seaview Marina is about to get under way as part of a major development of the area. The creation of 43 more 10-metre berths and 13 berths for big catamarans will take Seaview Marina a big step closer towards completing maximum development inside the breakwaters. At present plenty of…